Neuroethology / Neurobiology

 at UNIKassel..1973-2006


Department / Abteilung

Kassel neurobiologists studying the neurophysiological basis of visually controlled behavior in amphibians (Chair: Prof. Dr. J.-P. Ewert). Research projects focus on the analysis of features of behaviorally relevant stimuli and the feature detecting processes in the visual system. Methods include: quantitative behavioral experiments; electrophysiological recording of the discharges of individual neurons; neuroanatomy, such as tracing pathways with horseradish peroxidase, intracellular recording/staining with cobalt lysine, mapping of brain activity with the 14C-2-deoxiglucose technique; neuropharmacology, such as neurotransmitter agonists/antagonists; neural models, artificial neuronal nets, neural engineering.


Kasseler Neurobiologen studieren an Amphibien die neurophysiologischen. Grundlagen visuell gesteuerter Verhaltensweisen (Lehrstuhl:                      . Prof. Dr. J.-P. Ewert). Forschungsprojekte befassen sich mit der Analyse der Signalübermittlung und -verarbeitung mit Hilfe von: Verhaltensexperimenten; elektrophysiologischen Ableitungen einzelner Neurone; Neuroanatomie, z.B. Kartieren von Hirnaktivität mit der 14C-2-Desoxiglucose-Technik; Neuropharmakologie, z.B. Neurotransmitter-Agonisten/Antagonisten sowie Neuromodulatoren, z.B. Neuropeptid Y-vermittelte Einflüsse auf den retino-tectalen Erregungstransfer. Neuroinformatische Projekte entwickeln Funktionsmodelle, rekonstruieren neuronale Schaltpläne, und implementieren neurobiologische Prinzipien in künstlichen neuronalen Netzen.

Staff Members / Planmäßige Mitarbeiter/innen (Stand: 2005/6)

Dr. rer.nat. Evelyn Schürg-Pfeiffer, Akad. ORätin, Dipl.Biol.                                (Laboreinheit: Elektroenzephalographie)                               .             . Dr. rer.nat. Wolfgang W. Schwippert, Dipl.Biol. ...........................      (Laboreinheit: Elektrophysiologie/Pharmakologie)                                

Dr.rer.nat. Simone Funke, Vet.Med. ...................................................           . .  Dr.rer.nat. Daniela Gruner, Dipl.Biol. ..................................................           . Dr.rer.nat. Friederike Möller, Dipl.Biol. .................................................          .. Dr.rer.nat. Frauke Ribbekamp, Dipl.Biol.

Gudrun.Frühauf, Sekretärin ..........................................................                Ursula.Reichert, EDV ....................................................................     Christa.Uthof, Tech. Assistentin.......................................................            .  Karin.Große-Mohr, Tech. Assistentin....................................................        Gisela.Kaschlaw, Laborantin/Tierpflegerin

Current Cooperations (seit 2004)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Ullrich Kutschera, Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenphysiologie/Evolutionsbiologie                                                .

Dr. Ann Reddipogu, Lecturer and Researcher, Director of Studies, School of Engineering, The Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1FR, Scotland, UK


Prof. em. Dr. rer.nat. Jörg-Peter Ewert 


Curriculum Vitae


1958-1965 Studies in Biology, Chemistry, Geography (University of Göttingen)
1965 Dr. rer.nat., Univ. Göttingen
1967 Staatsexamen f. Lehramt Gymnasium, Univ. Göttingen

Academical Career

1965 - 1966 Research Fellow of the DFG, Zool. Inst. Technical University of Darmstadt
1966 - 1970 Scientific  Assistent, Zool. Inst. TU Darmstadt
1969  Habilitation, Venia Legendi for Zoology (Physiology), Zool. Inst. TU Darmstadt
1970/71 Fellow of the Foundations' Fund for Research in Psychiatry at the McLean Hospital (Harvard Medical School) in Belmont, Mass. USA
1971 - 1972 Univ.-Prof., Zool. Inst. TU Darmstadt
1973 Full(H4)-Professorship for Zoology/Physiology at the University of Kassel, Formation of the Working Group Neuroethology
1973- .         .               2006               Lehrstuhl (Chair) for Zoology/Physiology (Neurobiologie), Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Universität of Kassel. Professor Emeritus                            
1983 Call to the University of Vienna, Lehrkanzel (Chair) for Zoology/Physiology
[Accepting the offer of the Hessische Kultusminister]

Senior Activities


Director of the NATO-Advanced Study Institute (NATO ASI) "Advances in Vertebrate Neuroethology" held at the University of Kassel (Location: Schlößchen Schönburg, Hofgeismar). On the occasion of this congress (at August 23, 1981) under the topic "Future Goals of Neuroethology", the International Society for Neuroethology (ISN) was foundet. ISN Steering Committee: T.H. Bullock, S.O.E. Ebbesson, J.-P. Ewert, M. Halpern, F. Huber, M. Konishi, H. Scheich (cf. report in: Trends Neurosci.5(5): 141-143, 1982). First President: Theodore H. Bullock.

1987 - 1988 Chair of the Academic Senat of the Universität of Kassel
1987 - 1988 Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, Univ. Kassel
1994 - 1995 Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, Univ. Kassel
1995 - 1996 Chair of the Ethics Kommission (TierSchG) at the Regierungspräsident Stadt Giessen
2000 - 2004Representative of the European Science Foundation (ESF) in a Group of Experts at the Council of Europe (CoE)
2000 - 2004Coordinator of the CoE Expert Group

Referee activities (from 1990) 

Gutachten für Förderinstitutionen:                                                 

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, UFZ/Projektträger WTU Kultusministerium Sachsen-Anhalt, NATO Collaborative Research Grants, Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships, European Science Foundation ESF, Council of Europe CoE, National Institutes of Health NIH, National Science Foundation NSF, Evaluation of Candidates for the IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award, Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung BMWF

Gutachten für Institutionen von Universitäten:                         

Universität Kassel, The Queens's University of Belfast, University of Saskatchewan Canada, Mercer University Medical School Georgia, University of California LA, The University of Tennessee Memphis, Texas A&A University College of Medicine, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Wayne University School of Medicine, Bryn Mawr College PA, Centro de Instrumentos Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Council of Europe, European Science Foundation

Wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften:

Journal of Comparative Physiology, The Journal of Comparative Neurology, Biological Cybernetics, Neuroscience Letters, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, Behavioral Processes, Adaptive Behavior, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Brain Behavior and Evolution, Behavioral Neuroscience, Mechanisms of Aging and Development, Vision Research, Brain Research Bulletin


  • European Neuroscience Association
  • American Society for Neuroscience
  • American Association for the Advancement in Science (Fellow)
  • International Society for Neuroethology (Member of the Steering Committee) Society founded at the University of Kassel in 1981
  • Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft 

Animal Welfare

European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes ETS123 Appendix A

Documents prepared by the "Group of Experts for Amphibians and Reptiles":

J.-P. Ewert, ESF (Coordinator); J.E. Cooper, FELASA; T. Langton, EUROGROUP; G. Matz, ESF; K. Reilly, EFPIA; H. Schwantje, CCAC

Background information on the draft proposal for species-specific provisions for amphibians presented by the Group of Experts

Background information on the draft proposal for species-specific provisions for reptiles presented by the Group of Experts

Organization of international congresses/symposia/workshops

  • NATO-Advanced Study Institute Advances in Vertebrate Neuroethology [founding the International Society for Neuroethology, ISN], 13.-24.08.1981 at Univ. Kassel FRG. Organizers: J.-P. Ewert (FB19, Univ. Kassel, FRG); R.R. Capranica (Cornell Univ. Ihaca NY, USA); D.J. Ingle (Brandeis Univ. Waltham MA, USA)
  • Third International Workshop on Visuomotor Coordination in Amphibians: Experiments, Comparisons, Models, and Robots, 25.-27.08.1987 at Univ. Kassel FRG. Organizers: J.-P. Ewert (FB19, Univ. Kassel, FRG); M.A. Arbib (Univ. South. Cal. LA, USA)
  • Interdisciplinary Symposion on Neuronal Networks: Models of Brain Function and Artificial Neuronal Nets, 28.-29.05.1990 at Univ. Kassel FRG. Organizers: J.-P. Ewert (FB19, Univ. Kassel); H. Werner (FB17 Mathematik/Informatik, Univ. Kassel)
  • Fourth Workshop on Visual Structures and Integrated Functions, 08.-10.08.1990 at Center for Neural Engineering, Univ. South. California., LA, USA. Organizers: M.A. Arbib (Univ. South. California, Los Angeles CA, USA); J.-P. Ewert (FB19, Univ. Kassel, FRG)
  • Lehrgang 51/210 an der Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung Verhaltensbiologie und Neurobiologie, 20.01.-24.01.1997 in Dillingen/Donau. Leitung: K.-H. Scharf (Ref. Biologie/Chemie, Akad. f. Lehrerfortbildung, Dillingen; J.-P. Ewert (FB19, Univ. Kassel)

Author of Monographs

  • Ewert J.-P. (1976) Neuro-Ethologie. Einführung in die neurophysiologischen Grundlagen des Verhaltens. Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Springer-Verlag
  • Ewert J.-P. (1980) Neuroethology. English Edn. 1980 (Springer, Berlin)
  • Japanische Edn. 1983 (Baifukan, Tokyo)
  • Chinesische Edn. 1986 (Beijing Scientific Press, Beijing)
  • Ewert J.-P. and Ewert S.B. (1981) Wahrnehmung. Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg
  • Ewert J.-P. (1992) (2.Aufl.) Nerven- und Sinnesphysiologie. Westermann-Verlag, Braunschweig
  • Ewert J.-P. (1998) Neurobiologie des Verhaltens. Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch für Psychologen, Mediziner und Biologen. Huber-Verlag, Bern

Author of scientific movies

  • Ewert J.-P. und IWF Knowledge and Media gGmbH: (Produktion: 1980, 1990; Publikation 1993) Bildverarbeitung im Sehsystem der Erdkröte - Verhalten, Hirnfunktion, Künstliches Neuronales Netz, 16mm, IWF Nr. C1805, Super-8-Video, und DVD-R German and English [Image Processing in the Visual System of the Common Toad - Behavior, Brain Function, Artificial Neuronal Net, 16mm, IWF Nr. C1805];                                                                                                                                . Award 1994 Accredited by IAMS”, International Association for Media in Science.... IWF-Bestsellerliste, Begleitpublikation
  • Ewert J.-P. und IWF: Gestaltwahrnehmung bei der Erdkröte                                            . I) Das angeborene Beuteerkennen. 16 mm, IWF Nr. C1430                    . Auszeichnung: Povelj „Korak naprad“, Brofest ‘82, 1982, Belgrad/ NoviSad                .   II) Modifikation des angeborenen Beuteerkennens durch Lernen. 16 mm, IWF Nr.   . C1431                                                                                                                                . Diploma of Honour, International Scientitic Film Association, XXXVth Congress and Festival, 1982, Jena                                                                                                        ..........  III)   Neuroethologische Analyse des Beuteerkennens. 16 mm, IWF Nr. C1432
  • Ewert J.-P.: Attrappenversuche mit Erdkröten. Super-8-mm Farbfilm, CVK-Nr. 17257. Cornehlsen-Velhagen & Klasing GmbH & Co, Berlin 1981
  • Ewert J.-P.: Bildverarbeitung im Sehsystem der Erdkröte. In P. Kuenzer und H. Scharf (Hrsg.) 2002. Verhaltensbiologie in Film, Wort und Bild, Teil 1 Ethologie. 16 mm, Grundlagen, Verhaltensreaktionen und Reaktionsketten, Auslösung von Verhaltensreaktionen, Orientierung und Kommunikation Cassette 1: IWF V3129 (in Zusammenarbeit mit Aulis Verlag Deubner & Co), Super-8-Video und DVD-R Version
  • Ewert J.-P.: Instinct, evolving concept: toad model. Neural Basis of Behavior. In: G. Adelman and B.H. Smith (Eds.) 2004. Elsevier's Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. CD-ROM Version. Animations by Engineering Animation Inc.

Co-Author of Monographs 

  • Ewert J.-P., Capranica R.R. and Ingle D.J. (Eds.) (1983) Advances in Vertebrate Neuroethology. Plenum Press, New York
  • Ewert J.-P. und Kühnemund H. (1986) Ethologie, 4. Neuroethologie, Teil 1: Wie wird ein Reiz erkannt? Teil 2: Wie wird eine Reaktion gestartet? Fernstudium Naturwissenschaften. Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien (DIFF) Tübingen.
  • Ewert J.-P. and Arbib M.A. (Eds.) (1989) Visuomotor Coordination. Plenum Press, New York
  • Arbib M.A. and Ewert J.-P. (Eds.) (1991) Visual Structures and Integrated Functions. Springer, Berlin
  • Ewert J.-P. and Werner H. (Eds.) (1991) Models of Brain Function and Artificial Neuronal Nets. GhK-Edition, Univ. Press, Kassel

Chapter-Contributions to Textbooks (from 1990)

  • Ewert J.-P. (1994) Tinbergens Konzept der Gestalt-Wahrnehmung für die Auslösung von Verhaltensweisen durch Schlüsselreize: Beweise aus ethologischer und neuroethologischer Sicht. In: Neumann G.H., Scharf K.H. (Hrsg.) Vergleichende Verhaltensbiologie - gegenwärtiger Forschungsstand (2.Aufl.) Aulis-Verlag Deubner, Köln, pp.197-227
  • Ewert J.-P. (2002) Command neurons and command systems. In: Arbib M.A. (Ed.) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (2nd. Edn.). Cambridge, MIT Press, pp.233-238
  • Ewert J.-P. (2004) Instinct, evolving concept: toad model. In: Adelman G. and Smith B.H. (Eds.) Elsevier's Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (3rd Edn.) Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam
  • Ewert J.-P. (2004) Motion perception shapes the visual world of amphibians. In: Prete F.R. (Ed.) Complex Worlds from Simpler Nervous Systems, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
  • Ewert J.-P. (2004) Stimulus perception. In: Bolhuis J. and Giraldeau L.-A. (Eds.) The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function, and Evolution. Blackwell
  • Ewert J.-P. and Schwippert W.W. (2006) Modulation of visual perception and action by forebrain structures and their interactions in amphibians. In: Levin E.D. (Ed.) Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function. Birkhäuser, Basel, pp. 99-136

Editorial Board

  • Behavioral Processes (1978 - 1994)
  • Adaptive Behavior (seit 1992)


Look Back

Working Group Neuroethology  1973 the Office

v.l.: Franz Jakob Hock,  Jörg-Peter Ewert,  Axel von Wietersheim,  Bärbel Römer,  Gabriele Siefert,  Hans-Wilhelm Borchers the Lab

.....e.g., recording spikes of single neurons in freely moving toads:..

  • Ewert J.-P. and Borchers H.-W. (1974) Inhibition of toad (Bufo bufo L.) retinal on-off and off-ganglion cells via active eye closing. Vision Research 14: 1275-1276
  • Ewert J.-P. und Borchers H.-W. (1974) Antwort von retinalen Ganglienzellen bei freibeweglichen Kröten (Bufo bufo L.). J. Comp. Physiol. 92: 117-130
  • Borchers H.-W. and Ewert J.-P. (1978) Eye closure in toads (Bufo bufo L) does not produce off-responses in retinal on-off ganglion cells: a question of efferent commands. J. Comp. Physiol. 125: 301-303
  • Pinkwart C. and Borchers H.-W. (1987) Miniature three-function transmitting system for single neuron recording, wireless brain stimulation and marking. J. Neurosci. Methods 20:341–352.
  • Schnellenpfeil, W. (1993) [Telemetric recordings of neurons of the mesencephalon and the medulla oblongata in the freely moving common toad (Bufo bufo L.)]. German. Telemetrische Ableitungen von Neuronen aus dem Mesencephalon und der Medulla oblongata der freibeweglichen Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.). Dissertation Dr. rer.nat., Abt. Neuroethologie, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Univ. Kassel
  • Schürg-Pfeiffer E., Spreckelsen C., and Ewert J.-P. (1993) Temporal discharge patterns of tectal and medullary neurons chronically recorded during snapping toward prey in toads Bufo bufo spinosus. J. Comp. Physiol. A 173: 363-376
  • Spreckelsen C., Schürg-Pfeiffer E., and Ewert J.-P. (1995) Responses of retinal and tectal neurons in non-paralyzed toads Bufo bufo and B. marinus to the real size versus angular size of objects moved at variable distance. Neurosci. Lett. 184: 105-10
..... at Schlösschen Schönburg (Hofgeismar), c/o Univ. of Kassel,
NATOAdvanced Study Institute: Advances in Vertebrate Neuroethology 
August 13-24, 1981

  Conference Location (top)                                Social Event (bottom)

..... founding the International Society for Neuroethology (ISN)           

        Theodore H. Bullock
elected as the first President of ISN
